
2023 Winter Workshops Presentations

Feature Presentation

Tuesday, January 31

IMAA Committees

Getting Involved to Make an Industry Impact

Are you curious about what the IMAA Committees do? Would you like to learn more from your industry peers? What about staying up to date on important industry issues? Hear from the IMAA Committee Chairs on how getting involved in a committee can make an industry impact.

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General Session

Tuesday, Jan. 31

INDOT Update

Mike Smith, INDOT Commissioner

INDOT updates from Commissioner Mike Smith.

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Plant Operations

Tuesday, Jan. 31

Aggregate Finance 101

Duane Gibbs, US Aggregates

Overview of Financial Statements, Terminology and KPIs. How to use financial information and data to analyze plant performance, costs and potential projects.

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Intelligent Machines: AI & the Future of Mining

Cory Kiser, Melvin Stone Company

What is the current state of Artificial Intelligence research and what does it truthfully mean for a machine to be “intelligent”? Pop culture, the news media, and marketers for equipment and software often portray these topics in a sensational manner. This is the session that will give you a pragmatic and helpful introduction to what current Artificial Intelligence technology is actually like and help you prepare for a future business climate where having a no BS understanding of these topics will become crucial to profitability and remaining competitive. The end of the session will review what specific technology we can realistically expect to emerge in future Aggregate Mining Operations.

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Tuesday, Jan. 31 & Wednesday, Feb. 1

Updates with INDOT

Jim Reilman, INDOT

Updates to the Standard Specifications and other support documents that seem to be of interest to the Aggregate Industry.

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Using Subsurface Drainage Systems for Building Long-Lasting Pavements

Peter Becker, PhD, PE , INDOT

Pavement performance is closely associated with moisture conditions. Excess moisture gives rise to many types of pavement distresses that ultimately cause pavements to fail prematurely. The best way to deal with moisture in pavements is to just remove it quickly as possible, oftentimes using aggregate subsurface drainage systems. This presentation will provide an overview of: (1) moisture-related pavement performance, (2) design of aggregate subsurface drainage systems, (3) current INDOT subsurface drainage system practice for highway pavements, and (4) ongoing research into improving aggregate drainage practice at INDOT.

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Basics of Pavement Design / Down to the Sub-Grade

Kumar Dave, PE, INDOT

The presentation covers a brief update on IDM Part 6 including a typical section of INDOT pavement. Kumar Dave will also present the latest changes and future of pavement designs at INDOT.

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Basics of Pavement Design / Down to the Sub-Grade

Nayyar Siddiki, MSCE, PE, INDOT

Nayyar Siddiki’s presentation investigates INDOT’s design, construction, and inspection practices for subgrade treatment. The new 2022 INDOT Standard Specifications allows for the use of lime, cement, geogrid, and geocell and coarse aggregate for subgrade design and construction in Sections 207, 214, 215, and 219. This presentation also reviews quality control and quality assurance testing.

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Wednesday, Feb. 1

Creating a Culture of Safety

Matt Bunner, Mulzer Crushed Stone

Are you willing to change the way you do things and engage your people to be leaders in this effort? Our company has taken our safety program from good to great. Let Matt “tell you the story” so your organization can point the needle true North. No crystal balls, no police mentality, and no lagging indicators just providing employees a seat at the table. Interested? Check out this safety session where Matt shares Human Performance and Putting People First.

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Note: Not all presenters allow the sharing of their presentations.

Save the Date!

The IMAA Winter Workshops returns in 2024.
Mark your calendars now for February 5-7, 2024 in downtown Indianapolis.

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